
From Burnout to Breakthrough : Empowering HR Professionals for Success

Is your HR team experiencing high turnover rates? It’s a troubling trend that can impact your company’s talent retention efforts. New data from LinkedIn reveals a troubling statistic — HR has the highest turnover rate among all job functions, with a quit rate of 15% over the last 12 months. This finding might seem counterintuitive since HR professionals are typically responsible for helping companies attract and retain talent.

So, what exactly is driving HR professionals to quit? LinkedIn speculates that their inside perspective on how companies treat employees makes them more likely to spot and step away from dysfunctional company cultures. HR professionals have been on the frontlines, navigating the shift to remote work, conducting layoffs, and dealing with the stress of a global health crisis.

In fact, a CNBC article reveals that burnout among HR professionals is especially acute, with 53% reporting burnout and 48% actively seeking new job opportunities. These alarming numbers suggest that the 15% turnover rate from last year might only be the tip of the iceberg, as talent shortages and ongoing burnout contribute to even higher turnover in the future.

But there’s good news! There are actionable steps business leaders can take to reverse this worrying trend and retain their valuable HR staff. Let’s explore five powerful ideas to support and retain your HR team.

5 powerful ideas to support and retain your HR professional team:

1️⃣ Improve company culture and employee experience: Assess your company’s culture and employee experience to identify areas for improvement. Focus on addressing burnout, stress, and overwork to enhance staff retention.

2️⃣ Prioritize mental health: Recognize that HR professionals often prioritize others before themselves. Encourage HR teams to prioritize their own mental health and well-being by leading by example, offering support, and managing workloads effectively.

3️⃣ Provide the right tools and technologies: Equip your HR team with efficient and effective tools, such as human capital management platforms and learning management systems, to streamline processes and boost productivity.

4️⃣ Outsource HR tasks: Partner with professional employer organizations (PEOs) to alleviate the workload and complexities of HR compliance. Seek assistance in areas such as benefits support, compliance analysis, and employee relations. [FREE HRMS App] 

5️⃣ Embrace AI virtual assistants: Introduce conversational AI technologies to handle administrative tasks like benefit inquiries and leave requests. This allows HR staff to focus on strategic initiatives while improving efficiency.

It’s time to buoy up your support for HR: Outsourcing as a solution

Amidst the ongoing Great Resignation, where burnout and stress are driving employees to quit, there is another group experiencing the same challenges – HR professionals. In fact, they are facing even higher levels of burnout and stress compared to other job functions.

For employers, this should be immensely concerning. The very team members responsible for attracting and retaining talent are now choosing to leave. This not only undermines broader retention efforts but also paints a grim picture of the current state of the employee experience within organizations.

To tackle this issue head-on, it’s crucial to understand the true state of your HR teams and implement a plan to address their burnout and stress. However, a proactive step you can take to alleviate their workload and enhance their effectiveness is to consider outsourcing your payroll and HR functions.

HR Professional having tele-conversation with the client about the payroll outsourcing.

By implementing these ideas, you can create a supportive environment for your HR team, enhance their productivity, and retain their valuable expertise. Outsourcing payroll and HR functions is a proactive step that not only safeguards your HR professionals from burnout but also has a profound impact on your company’s spending and growth. Together, let’s build a strong and resilient HR workforce that drives success and employee satisfaction.

#HRManagement #EmployeeRetention #WorkplaceWellness


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